Do you know what R.O.I. means? R.O.I. stands for Return on Investment. Which is your Return on Investment doing what you do? Some marketers use the term “conversion rate”.
Are you aware of your R.O.I. and what you want from it? Are you absolutely aware of the impact you want to create and how to measure it?
I believe there is a special REWARD connected to the RETURN on the investment for every job, every activity and everything we do in our life.
Are you doing what you came to do? Are you helping the people you came to help? Are you satisfied with your inner self regarding your expectations and your results? Ask yourself and answer honestly.
Ask yourself if you are getting exactly what you expect to get?
Are you being able to reach the audience waiting for you?
Do you really know which the way to go is? Which is the road to follow? Which is the path or journey to walk through?
Listen to your inner voice. Listen to the voice of your heart. The Universe and your creator are walking with you. Just feel their presence and try to understand why this is happening to you and which is the reason you have to take a turn, a u turn, a right turn or a left turn, to change something that will bring the people you came to serve the help and guidance they need and as a consequence will bring you the ROI you expect. Stop, take a step back and see what is happening. Don´t judge, just observe connect and take the right next step toward success.
Life is about directions, roads and green alleys with air to breath. We sometimes have to avoid certain roads to keep our awareness alive and breathe toward the mission we are meant to deliver.
Always remember and consider there is a difference you came to make through the GIFT you deliver to the world, to your people, to your audience.
See the sky, listen to the sun, listen to the wind, listen and keep connected to the music of your heart.
Compass and bear your North toward the summit of your own wealth!
Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey Toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia
Los líderes nacen, no se hacen
*Los líderes nacen, no se hacen. Tienen una pasión interior que va
apareciendo y desarrollándose en el transcurrir de sus vidas. En el camino
van despert...